Online recovery discussion, meetings, support, chat, forums, and resources aimed around working the 12 Steps of AA, NA, Al-Anon and Alateen.
Zoom ID – 878 0418 2416 Password – 281372 Hospitals & Institutions (H&I) Meets the 2nd Monday of the Month At the Alano Club 235 E. Cota Street New Member Orientation: 5:30 p.m. Business Meeting 6:00 p.m. General Service Committee (GSR) District 23 Meets the 1st Monday of the Mo...
Online AA Meetings We have Zoom-based English speaking meetings daily at 9am. All of these meetings are open and we encourage you to attend our virtual room via the Zoom platform. Daily at 9am Monday, 9am →Beginner’s Tuesday, 9am ...
AA Meetings 24/7 – Zoom ID 87488439072 PW 267482 Women’s AA 24/7 Zoom ID 928 9414 8568 PW: Billw Free Big Book app here Online text here Find a meeting near you at Meetings – Alcoholics Anonymous ( Not sure if AA is for you. The AA ...
The following links and resources share tactics and tools that can help groups continue holding online meetings in a safer and less disruptive way: New York City Intergroup’s instructions regarding ZOOM setting and meeting practices:
(850) 433-4191 • Hours of operation: 9 AM – 5 PM Monday – Friday Serving alcoholics and AA groups in the Santa Rosa and Escambia counties in Florida ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with ...— Straightforward file sharing service. Share unlimited files up to 5GB to as many peers as you want.— Secure Video and Web conferencing, add-ons available. Free limited to 40 minutes - Project management service that makes collaboration in the office and remote...
We fixed an issue where Office add-ins disappeared from the ribbon. We fixed an issue that affected all-day meetings with a reminder on the day of. The meeting didn't open, and an error message was displayed. We fixed an issue that caused the following symptoms: Users...
Yoonyoung KIM分享交流经验线上宣讲会参与方式:1. 扫码提前注册;2. 提前下载Zoom会议软件,电脑:或手机Zoom Cloud Meetings App,下载好之后无需注册;3. 报名后,会议链接将自动发送至你的邮箱,参会时点击邮件里面的链接即可;4. ...
Getting the Most out of Zoom: Teaching through Mock Stakeholder Meetings in the Virtual EnvironmentWilliam L. Rice