Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), voluntary fellowship of alcoholic persons who seek to get sober and remain sober through self-help and the help of other recovered alcoholics. Although general conventions meet periodically and Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc., is headquartered in New York City, al...
AA简介小册子 匿名戒酒会(Alcoholics Anonymous, A.A.)是一个团体,在这个团体里,人们互相分享他们的经历、力量和希望,以此达到解决共同的问题并帮助彼此从酗酒中康复的目的。 对会员仅有的要求是戒酒的愿望。A.A.的会员不需要交会费;我们通过内部的捐赠维持运行。 A.A.不与任何宗派、教派、政治、团体或机构联合;...
AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) 是一个以互助和自助为主的戒酒组织,它采用匿名制度,致力于帮助成瘾者戒除酗酒的习惯。如果您想加入 AA 戒酒协会,可以按照以下步骤:确认是否需要帮助:如果您已经意识到自己有酗酒问题并想要进行戒酒,可以考虑加入 AA 协会。查找当地的 AA 协会:可以在 AA 官网(www.aa.o...
网络酗酒者匿名团体 网络释义 1. 酗酒者匿名团体 1935年,EAP的前身,酗酒者匿名团体(Alcoholics Anonymous,AA)在俄亥俄州成立,这一团体的建立初衷是为那些有严重酗 …|基于17个网页 例句
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an international organization that is dedicated to helping alcoholics find and retain sobriety through education and support. It was founded in 1935 in Akron, Ohio and has since spread worldwide. The program uses meeting attendance and a ...
Johnstown Photo © 2024 Jon M. Welcome! If you want to drink, that's your business. If you want to quit drinking, that's our business. Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common ...
Get the ultimate companion for Alcoholics Anonymous with over 350 hours of audio content including AA speaker tapes, recovery literature, 12 step workshops and…
Learn about Alcoholics Anonymous with an overview and history of the organization. Discover the meetings of AA and the steps taken in the program...
To find out more about Alcoholics Anonymous, What’s New in Yuma AA Intergroup Nonprofit Corporation Info Register now for the Yuma Roundup New “Expect A Miracle” schedule is Sun-Fri at 8:00 (no Saturday Meeting)
The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has proven to be an effective aid in recovery for many people with alcohol use disorder. While constructive criticisms of AA can be beneficial to the organization, other criticisms have merely served as rhetorical devices intent on discrediting the ...