Online recovery discussion, meetings, support, chat, forums, and resources aimed around working the 12 Steps of AA, NA, Al-Anon and Alateen.
Online AA Meetings We have Zoom-based English speaking meetings daily at 9am. All of these meetings are open and we encourage you to attend our virtual room via the Zoom platform. Daily at 9am Monday, 9am →Beginner’s Tuesday, 9am ...
Some expenses include the Zoom platform, web hosting, domain costs, sobriety chips & mailing expenses, and ensuring we hold a prudent reserve.Other Great Meetings Here are some links to other groups some of us attend and recommend highly: Global...
Directory of online AA meetings. For the health safety of our members many AA groups now offer remote stay-at-home meetings using Zoom or other video conferencing apps. Hopefully we will be able to resume face-to-face meetings sooner than later. Meanwhil
(#foreshadowing).Also, ENOUGH with the Zoom calls and “virtual happy hours,” for theLOVE OF GOD!Oh, and that “novelty” I mentioned in March? That wore off quickly, and a lot of us started to feel weird, sad, isolated, uneasy, unproductive and stir-crazy. Myself included. ...
The following links and resources share tactics and tools that can help groups continue holding online meetings in a safer and less disruptive way: New York City Intergroup’s instructions regarding ZOOM setting and meeting practices:
6 million installs, Zoom is the most used app for online meetings and virtual classrooms. 17% of its downloads were in theUSandIndia. Offices and educational institutes were shut down and to continue working and studying from home, people relied heavily on Zoom for video conferencing and ...
We fixed an issue where Office add-ins disappeared from the ribbon. We fixed an issue that affected all-day meetings with a reminder on the day of. The meeting didn't open, and an error message was displayed. We fixed an issue that caused the following symptoms: Users...
武汉前十月实际利美国ZOOMCLOUDMEETINGS2023用外资金额中部第一,已有310家世界500强来投资 他说,“ “2020年,在武汉解封之后,我们是首批返回武汉并进行投资的世界500强跨国企业,现在我们将武汉视作我们在中国市场最先进技术的开发与推广之地。”2024年12月5日,霍尼韦尔中国政府事务总监庄励在武汉市2024跨国企业高端闭门...
Getting the Most out of Zoom: Teaching through Mock Stakeholder Meetings in the Virtual EnvironmentWilliam L. Rice