• Voucher codes give you 15% off food only (drinks not included) for each visit at a participating pub, and each voucher can only be used once. • The offer is only valid with an active AA membership card and can be applied to a maximum £200 bill. The maximum discount is £...
Hurricane Andrew(1992) was another small-sized but furious hurricane that shook up communities and the insurance industry. It brought an estimated industry loss of $15.5 billion in 1992 dollars, making it the costliest hurricane in the US until Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Building codes and their ...
项目管理翻译词汇 Abstract Resource 抽象资源 Abstraction 抽象 Acceleration 加速 Acceptability Criteria 验收标准 Acceptable Quality Level ("AQL") 可接受质量水平 Acceptance 验收 Acceptance Criteria 验收标准 Acceptance Letters 验收函 Acceptance Number 接受数目 Acceptance Review 验收评审 Acceptance Test 验收测试 Acq...
职位关闭 (Sr.) UX Designer - K· 薪 Booking.com缤客 互联网 已上市 更换职位 招聘中 资深游戏体验设计师 - K· 薪 网易 互联网 已上市 立即沟通 职位详情 交互体验设计 Web端 移动端 设计师 设计经理 Booking.com is looking for driven, experienced designers who enjoy solving problems, initiate disco...
Gym Membership Programs: Image Motivation and Conditional Discount FramingXiaofei PanSukki Yoon
Focus membership cards allow potential home buyers to purchase specified properties from real estate developers at a discount greater than the price that Focus charges for the card. Focus has also developed a transaction platform to offer online and offline services that facilitate the purchase of ...
Contribute to Dean/uri_nlp_ner_workshop by creating an account on DagsHub. Where people create machine learning projects.
Call Authorization for approval codes. 55、请出示您的身份证/护照/会员卡/贵宾卡,好吗? Please show me your I.D. card / passport / membership card / V.I.P card . 56、这是您的收据,先生。 Here’s your receipt, sir. 57、请保留好收据以备退换货品之用。 Please keep the receipt for refund...
13. C) A discount for a half-year membership. 14. D) The operation of fitness equipment. 15. C) She knows the basics of weight-lifting. Section C 16. B) They often apply for a number of positions. 17. A) Get better organized. ...
In his letter to Athens in 174, Marcus Aurelius loosened the requirements for membership to the ruling council of Athens, (28) there were now too few surviving upper-class Athenians who met the requirements he had introduced prior to the outbreak. It has been estimated that the deat...