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Alibaba is holding meetings with investors this week. On Friday, the former English teacher said he wasn’t going to discuss corporate forecasts. He took the stage instead to describe how his company had become effectively the world’s 22nd largest economy—just after Argentina—in terms of tran...
⑧We’ve kept our meetings secret up to now. 直到现在我们的会议都是保密的. [名师点津] (1)be up to 中 to 是介词,切不可将其当作不定式符号; (2)It’s up to you。是常见的交际用语,要在实际运用中加深对它的记忆。 depend on/upon 取决于……;依靠;信赖 (教材 P12)It depends on th...
I had my fourth year ofGame Developers Conferencethis year. GDC is like “the week of the year” for the game devs, even though most of them actually don’t see any presentations. They are there for the business meetings, and perhaps for the parties. But presentation-wise:this is the ...
The thing is, I didn’tknowI was to blame. I blamed my Microsoft Outlook Calendar which is jam-packed every single weekday with meetings and calls. I blamed the steady stream of emails that flowed into my inbox every minute. I blamed chiropractor visits twice a week that I had to work...
Following AA Co annual general meetings in recent years, observers have often remarked on how patient – even forgiving – shareholders have been over the company’s performance, lack of dividends and specific actions such as the ill-fated development of the $100 million abattoir near Darwin ...
8. Please ask him ___ (call) me soon. 9. There ___ (be) three important meetings next month. 10. Mr. Smith ___ (live) two floors above his parents. (四) 句型转换(10) 1. Do it like this. (否定句) ___ ___ it like this. 2. There are over ten girls in the classroom...