Alcoholics Anonymous Zoom Online AA Meeting for Current and Former Sex Workers in Recovery only requirement desire to stop drinking - Contact Info
Time Meeting Location / Group Address Region Noon Virtual 3&11 Online VT District 5 - Hartford area Noon White River Noon Group 3&11 (Wilder) The Turning Point 200 Olcott Dr VT District 5 - Hartford area 5:30 pm New Beginnings (Hanover) Richard W Black Community Center 48...
Zoom Meeting ID:this is is a 9 to 11 digit number that is used to join a Zoom meeting, you can use this ID directly by inputting the ID, opening the app and using the ID, or when you call in on your phone. ...
How many days could I get out of bed late and then turn on my computer only to realize I had a meeting in 15 minutes? How many days could I spend sitting at my desk working, and ONLY working all day, realizing when I signed off later that I never really moved much, never went ...
A.A. Home Group meetings are hosted using Zoom. Information about how to join a Zoom meeting can be found here. NOTICE: We have enabled the Zoom "waiting room" feature for the safety of our group members. What does BB mean in AA?
Aala Solutions CEO, whom I had the pleasure of meeting via a Zoom call, told me he advises new hires that the customer is their friend; the customer is important because his success will become our success. I don't believe this is a throwaway line, as I could sense that attitude comin...
Thom R.’s summary of meeting tactics and Zoom meeting settings: Each A.A. group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or A.A. as a whole, and can determine how to conduct its m...
AA Meeting Finder - Connect with the community by attending live meetings at any time, accessible via phone, Zoom, and other services. - Access meetings directly from various sources, with real-time updates and options tailored to your preferences. ...
It all started when someone texted me a Zoom link to a meeting. And all of a sudden, I realized the entire AA experience had gone online from Google Hangouts to Houseparty to Zoom; I could do my AA meeting from the comfort of my home. I didn’t need to worry about the terrifying ...
Please note that a representative of your local association is required to attend the meeting in order for your officials to be eligible for State Championship assignments. Contact Lauren Brownrigg atlaurenb@osaa.orgor Heidi Lopez ...