Carriageways where the flow of traffic is managed by variable speed limits and enforced by speed cameras (Controlled Motorways) A hard should that can be used as a running lane at peak times (Dynamic Hard Shoulder) No hard shoulder at all but with Emergency Refuge Areas spaced every 2.5 km...
increase in internet data traffic driven by the social network and video contents. FigFuirgeu1r.eS1i.liSciolincopnhopthoontiocns i2c0s1230–1230–2250m25amrkaertkfeotrefocarsetca[1s]t.[R1]e.pRreopdruocdeudcweditwh iptherpmeirsmsioisnsifornomfroSm. LSe.roy, Director, Public RelatiLonersoa...
烧结多孔砖和烧结空心砖等种类【判断题】烧结普通转国内统一外形尺寸为240mmx115mmx53mm( )【判断题】烧结普通砖需要试验送检【判断题】根据抗压强度将砖和砌块分为MU20、MU15、MU10、MU30、M25等强度等级【判断题】在砂浆中掺入的砌筑砂浆增塑剂、早强剂、防冻剂、防水剂等砂浆外加剂,品种和用量应...
而从慢食运动中产生了被称之为慢活城市的运动,从意大利开始却已经传遍欧洲和其它地方。 And in this, towns begin to rethink how they organize the urban landscape, so that people are encouraged to slow down and smell the roses and connect...
so that people are encouraged to slow down and smell the roses and connect with one another. So they might curb traffic, or put in a park bench, or some green space. 现在,假如你允许我言行小小的不一致, 我将为你快速的概括...