AA car insurance can protect your hybrid or electric car, from accidents to snags with your charging equipment.
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The company has contacted its insurance company and they have begun to investigate the likelihood and level of any payment. (2) 判断调整:这件事发生在财务期间之后,并不是一个提供年末证据的事件,所以是非调整事项 This event occurred after the reporting period and is not an event which provides ...
Insurance premium tax Over three quarters (77%) of AA Panel members agree that making vehicle insurance more expensive will encourage a greater number of people to drive uninsured, with less than 1 in 10 (8%) disagreeing with this statement. ...
I know that is what insurance companies do. My complaint is how they sent the renewal. It was a PDF file that I couldn't open unless I had access to a laptop. The second was they were taking the renewal payment unless I contacted them to cancel it. The third was the short time in...
Public insurance 公共保险:由政府机构承保的保险,或在政府监管控制下的私营代理机构承保的保险。 Punitive damages 惩罚性赔偿:当确定被告人有明显过失行为时,为以此为诫遏制类似行为发生。除赔偿实际损失外,通常要处一巨额罚款。 Pure premium 纯保费:保费中反映损失基本成本的部分,不包括经营费用和利润。 Pure risk ...
保险费--- insurance premium 运费--- freight charge 红茶--- black tea 售完--- be sold out 茶叶产量急剧下降--- the tea crop has sharply decreased 报盘两天内有效--- the offer holds/remains good/firm/effective/valid for two days 采取一切方...
Payroll taxes and insurance (PTI) - Company-paid taxes and insurance, such as workers compensation Fringe benefits - Company-paid benefits, such as health insurance and company contributions to a 401k or RRSP plan The Time Accounting system does not calculate actual burden. It uses a pre-det...
The seller contracts for insurance and pays the insurance premium.the buyer should note that under the CIF term the seller is only required to obtain insurance on minimum coverage. The CIF term requires the seller to clear the goods for export. This term can only be used for sea and and ...
(一)ModesofTransport SeaLandAir CharterLinerRailway,trainRoadway,truckAirlineUps,Fedex,DHL,EMS PostalParcelTransport CombinedTransportOCPTransport:Overlandcommonpoint LandBridgeTransport 1OceanTransport Oceanfreightisthemostwidelyusedformoftransportationininternationaltradeaswellasthemostefficientformintermsofenergy.It...