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According to the AA website, “While contributions cover each group’s rent and other expenses, the Seventh Tradition is essential at every level of A.A. service. It is both a privilege and a responsibility for groups and members to ensure that not only their group, but also their intergro...
An unpaired student T-test was used to compare the LFQ intensities between groups and those with p-values ≤ 0.05 were considered significant. The protein IDs with significant values were subjected to Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) and the String Database to identify affected canonical ...
Moreover, special round-table sessions where groups from two or more tracks discussed together about pos- sible synergies have been organized. The conveners of each track wrapped up the main ideas emerged and presented the outcome of the discussion in the plenary session on the last day of the...
This distinction reflects differences in T7SS subunit composition between these two distantly related groups of Gram-positive bacteria (Klein et al., 2020). The T7SSa was originally discovered in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, where it acts as a virulence factor that facilitates immune evasion and ...
It is great to have this group, and we are currently applying for funding from several sources. We run monthly game research seminars mixed with other game groups at Aalto, focusing especially on our shared interest in game design research.We are always looking for interesting academic and indus...
molecules AArrttiiccllee IIssoollaattiioonn ooff aa CCyycclliicc ((AAllkkyyll))((aammiinnoo))ggeerrmmyylleennee Liliang Liliang WWaanngg11,, Yi Yi Shan Shan Lim Lim 11,, Yongxin Yongxin Li Li 22,, Rakesh Rakesh Ganguly Ganguly 2 2 and and Rei Rei Kinjo Kinjo 11,*,* 1 1 ...
PIN gene structure has also been explored in reports showing high structure conser- vation across genes belonging to the two main PIN groups, usually comprising five to six exons [32,34,35]. The extra exon is associated with the presence of a long sequence encoding a central hydrophilic ...
Vietnam followed, for both Elvis and Joe, where they learned to be lethal, and as Elvis tells a victim in The Monkey’s Raincoat, “I learned that I could survive. I learned what I would do to keep breathing, and what I wouldn’t do, and what was important to me, and what wasn...
On this portal you find resources from many different SIB groups as well as external institutions. | [EMBL-EBI]( | At EMBL-EBI, we use bioinformatics — the science of storing, sharing and analysing biological data — to help people everywhere understand how living ...