AmpliconArchitect was originally developed by Viraj Deshpande, and is maintained by Jens Luebeck, Viraj Deshpande, and others in Vineet Bafna's lab. A full description of the method can be found in the following publication: Deshpande, V. et al., Exploring the landscape of focal amplifications ...
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[Shenzhen, China, February 14, 2018] At the pre-MWC briefing in London, Huawei revealed that a full series of scenario-based Massive MIMO AAU (MM AAU) products would be released at the MWC 2018. These products accommodate various 5G deployment scenarios and make operators ready for 5G in ...
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"We are moving towards a world that would be even smaller. So we truly have to figure out the way for all of us to live together and support each other," said Siilasmaa. Chinese Ambassador to Finland Chen Li earlier spoke highly of Finnish expertise on bio-energy and green economy. He...
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