Craft Type Boeing 737-800 Passenger 738 Flight Time Scheduled 1h 15m Arrival SAT San Antonio International Airport, TX, US Flight Gate Times 27-Jan-2025 Scheduled 17:50 CST Actual 17:33 CST Total Arrival Delay: - Flight Runway Times 27-Jan-2025 Scheduled 17:44 CST Actual 17:29 CST Runwa...
Flight Runway Times 31-Jan-2025 Scheduled 18:11 EST Actual 18:02 EST Runway Delay: - Terminal - Gate A1 Craft Type Boeing 737-800 Passenger 738 Flight Time Scheduled 2h 56m Arrival DFW Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, TX, US Flight Gate Times 31-Jan-2025 Scheduled 19:48 CST Actu...
Answer 1 of 95: Interesting story about an AA passenger Hunter Parsons who was denied boarding and detained because AA staff suspected he was going to skip his last flight. Interesting on a number of levels Here's one link...
Each American Airlines passenger may board with one free personal item that fits under the seat in front of them and one carry-on bag that fit in the overhead bin. Checked bag fees are waived for some ticket classes, certain elite members and certain credit card holders (check your programs...
(Lay Out of Passenger LOPA/seats configuration approval document Arrangement) 器材评审委员会记录或重大偏差记录 如:SRL(Significant Rework List) MRB(Material Review Board)record/ major deviation 适航指令执行状态清单The list of AD Implement status 服务通告执行状态Implement status of SB 2 .2 制造/维修...
Since the A321 only has 102 seats, boarding was quickly finished, at which point the captain came on the PA to welcome us aboard and inform us of our flight time of 5hr50min. American A321 first class cabin view By the time the door closed the first class cabin was comp...
Passenger and Crew Placards List 第一部分(强制)Part I Mandatory乘客标牌Passenger Placard是否要求有中文翻是否要求该标牌标牌序号英文文本中文文本标牌备注Airbus Placard P/N译CAAC requirement onPlacard No.CAAC requirement onEnglish TextChinese TextPlacardRemark(For Reference Only)PlacardChinese TranslationDANGER...
For the remaining group of destinations, we sent out the free flight ticket redemption codes on 29 March 2023. However, some of our flights to a select number of destinations have not yet resumed. We know you’re very ready to travel, so we’ve made some special arrangements: ...
On March 31, the airport officially implemented the summer flight season flight plan for 2024. Itis reportedthatin the new season, the passenger routes from the Nanjing Lukou International Airport will cover 84 domestic cities ...
In 2023, Cathay Cargo shipped an average of almost 2,000 tonnes of cargo from Vietnam every month, of which about 600 tonnes were carried on Cathay Pacific’s twice-daily passenger flights from Ho Chi Minh City. These comprised mainly garments, footwe...