结果居然非常顺利,JFK的国泰地勤熟练的打印出来了AA Flagship Lounge的邀请卡,而且允许我携带一名guest,并且也说明了可以使用Flagship First Dining,也可以携带一名guest!一段短短的东西海岸的国泰头等,可以带上LD一起吃Flagship First Dining,真是非常超值! 相比较Lounge的喧哗,Dining区域的乘客屈指可数。 不仅如此,Dini...
今天早班机从JFK的T8出发,值机柜台最边上的是只有标记为Flagship First的旅客才能使用的check-in柜台。这个柜台后面连着安检,在人山人海的T8,安检优先的意义非常大,能省下不少时间。进入禁区内,有三个休息室可选:Chelsea、Greenwich和Soho,都是AA和BA联合运营的。其中级别最高的是Chelsea,准入门槛最高,默认是有Fl...
兑换机上 WiFi 兑换Flagship First Dining,要求是 Platinum Pro 会员及以上 兑换AA Club pass 兑换其它娱乐项目(演唱会、体育比赛等等) 这些其实都不要紧,重要的是 AA 里程价值,大家都知道贬值迟早会来,但是能坚持越久越好。 总结 总体其实变化不大,主要是保持了定级标准,这个还算良心。新增的 Million Miler 离我们...
因为是跨大陆的头等舱,按照规定可以去享受First Dining点餐服务。进入休息室之后立马就有人带着我去了Flagship First Dining Room,在外面拍照的机会都没给我。那就先吃饭吧! First Dining在休息室的最里面,需要有人带着查明资格之后才能进入。之前必须是飞头...
1 Flagship First Dining pass 免费赠送一人 AA Platinum 会籍 Bang & Olufsen product(若选了这个则无法再选第二个福利) 40k AA miles toward a Mastercard Priceless Experience(限联名卡持有者) 1,000,000 Loyalty Points 从以下福利中选择一项: 4 Systemwide Upgrades ...
空港調査|芝加哥(ORD)· AA Flagship Lounge美航目前四个(或者三个?)Flagship中唯一一个没有设置FFD的,面积虽然不小,景色没有楼上的Admirals Club好。早餐时段供应的食物比较丰富,也有一个煎Omelet的明档。相对来讲设施种类较少,装饰也比较的简单。奥黑尔T3出发的真·First本来也不多,配备Flagship Dining的必要性也...
That said, keep in mind that American Airlines is phasing out its premium Flagship first-class cabins in exchange for an upgraded business class section on many new and retrofitted planes that promises to be as good or better than its current first-class service and will feature suite-like sea...
First Amenities Snacks Unknown Unknown USB port and power outlet Seat Information -- Legroom -- Seat Width 100° Reclining Angle 3-3 Seat Layout Example Book Now Cheap return flights Dallas (DFW)Los Angeles (LAX) Tue, Feb 4 One way 88% OFF US$275From US$34 Dallas (DFW)Los Angeles (...
How do you find the seats? You’ll need to search atAA.com, and look for travel during this time. Early reports suggest most airport departures are available, and most will route via Dallas. This could be a very cool way to try Flagship First dining. ...
Thanks-Giving Square and Deep Ellum. Shop the Neiman Marcus flagship store across the street, or take the family to the Dallas World Aquarium. The American Airlines Center is 5 minutes away and Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport is just 20 minutes. Business travelers enjoy a quick walk to...