Start listening to more than 100 hours of audio regarding Big Book stories you wouldn’t want to miss. Sober daily readings, speakers from AA and more. You will even get stories from Bill Wilson the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. These alcohol addiction stories, talks, prayers and worksheets...
Start listening to more than 100 hours of audio regarding Big Book stories you wouldn’t want to miss. Sober daily readings, speakers from AA and more. You will even get stories from Bill Wilson the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. These alcohol addiction stories, talks, prayers and worksheets...
+ The Ultimate Big Book Step Study - Bob D. and Scott L. + Understanding and Living the AA 12 Concepts by Des T. + Al-Anon Speaker Tapes + Living With Crazy People Workshop by Tom W. + Beginner Guided Meditations + Daily Readings and Reflections from the AA Big Book ...
Start listening to more than 100 hours of audio regarding Big Book stories you wouldn’t want to miss. Sober daily readings, speakers from AA and more. You will even get stories from Bill Wilson the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous. These alcohol addiction stories, talks, prayers and worksheets...
默里曾经在招募志愿者时说过:“如果你们不守信用,无意帮助我,没有你们也无关紧要,不要为我悲叹,为你们自己和你们的孩子悲叹吧。--From The New York Times Book Review. 选自《图书评论》 October 30, 1977 1977年10月30日 2012年1月13日译自 Readings in Modern English Prose 上册 ...
Big Book|12 & 12 Or through other retailers; just be aware they will cost significantly more. Extra Service Rooms As a member of Alcoholics Anonymous you will find at times that you need a good, safe, private space to work with another alcoholic for step work, for example. We’ve set ...
The Happy Hour Group meets every day at 5:30pm EST. Sunday is a speaker meeting; Monday, As Bill Sees It; Tuesday is a beginners meeting; Wednesday is Big Book; Thursday is Daily Reflections; Friday is Step; and Saturday is Living Sober. Suggestions can be emailed to info@aahappyhour....
(Pro) - Sharing your inventories, journal and gratitude lists via email, texts, whatsapp and more (Pro) - Pin Locking (Pro) Coming soon: Free web interface- Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous with audio book- Daily inspirational quotesThis App is not affiliated to, endorsed by or sponsored ...
→ 5:30pm,Big Book StudyinYANA room Where We Are We have in-person English speaking meetings in the YANA room location. On Avenida 45 between Juarez and Calle 2. Accessibility Our AA room is not fully accessible, as there is a single step up to enter the room. ...
They do have the big book, but follow it more in a step by step focus. However karma decided to rear its head and make it a Closed Meeting, meaning that it is not as open to the public to sit on and they only allow members who are coming with a problem related to alcohol. So ...