美国习惯用语|ants in your pants 美国· 习惯用语|to put on the dog 美国习惯用语|to take someone's word for it 美国习惯用语|burn the candle at both ends 美国习惯用语 | pull one's best foot forward 美国习惯用语 | like a shot 美国习惯用...
those protestors are just ants! Helpsme see the bigger picture.” “’s dumb. They’ll still be there when we get down.” “, I guess what matters is how we react to them.” “. I don’t care. I just want them to mind their own business.” “, before you came to ...
iTchael ppreorfcoersms awnictehctohme psaarmiseoncoonftent of eltehmisetnhtercmomompeocshitainoincaolfgtrhaeinarlleofiyn,ewmiethnot uwtaasnmyaedxeteinrnmaalrrienfien-gerra.dTehAeAp6e0r8fo2r-Tm6aanlucemcionmump,airniswonhiochf this thertmheomT6emchiacrnoisctarlugctruarienirsecfihnanemgee...
so his wife will accept the prize on his behalf. 9.Thieves carried off the farmer's sheep during the night. 10.His idea is to look ahead and make a good plan. 11.A number of students were absent from the meeting for various reasons. 12.It's beyond my control to fall in love ...
10) An ant has two s . One hold the food for itself and the ot her is for food to be shared with other ants. 2. 词形变化 1) It'll take about three hours if everything goes (smooth). 2) To my surprise, he came to see me on one (snow) January day. 3) Unemployment and ...
Can you imagine my surprise when I got home and found the shiny white boots sitting on the table? Nancy Sinatra had a popular song at that time and I would walk everywhere in my new boots singing. “These boots are made for walking and that’s what I’ll do.” I believe I was ...
/ ʒ / 字母组合: si(on) 单词举例: decision division 5 15. / ts / 字母组合: ts 单词举例:ants streets students 16. / dz / 字母组合: ds 单词举例: beds hands 17. / tr / 字母组合: tr 单词举例: tree truck try 18. / dr / 字母组合: dr 单词举例: dry drink dress driver 19. /...
tInerr[e1c0e,n1t1]y.eIanrsr,eictehnatsybeaeresn, idtehmasonbseternateddemthoantsgtrearmtedylethnaets gcearnmbyelewniedseclyanubtielizweiddeinlyauvtialrizieetdyionfaapvparliceatytionf as,prpalnicgaitnigonfrso, rmanbgoindg farcotmivabtoionndtaocptiovlaytmionertochpeomlyismtreyr, cinheamddis...
I attempted my first 100 miles last August, but I missed the terminal point at mile 87 after running on a torn hamstring (腿筋撕裂) for the previous 79 miles. Yet, the most important distance I will ever go will be walking her down the aisle (结婚) one day. I would not make it ...
[ka:] car 小汽车 [pa:k] park 公园 car farm card arm 8) [ ] 发音字母: u、o、ou、oo 发音时舌尖和舌端两侧轻触下齿,舌根微微抬起。唇形稍扁,开口度较大,与/ /相 似。(这个音你们容易忘,切忌多练习) [b t] but 但是 [d k] duck 鸭子 up lunch fun gun nut cup bus 9) [: ] 字母...