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You Are Not Alone! We Welcome You to Playa Del Carmen’s English-speaking fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous. “Trudging the road of happy destiny”
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In an interview with police, Pospisil said she has been attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, and that her drinking and driving on the day in question was for “freedom,” and compared it to a relapse, the complaint reads. She also stated she was an alcoholic and had no memory of drivin...
Knockoff groups like Co-Dependents Anonymous and Sex Addicts Anonymous were founded in the self-help seventies and retain something of the flavor of their birth decade, but Alcoholics Anonymous grew up under Truman and Eisenhower. That’s why AA meetings (traditionally, at least) feature less ...
Alcoholics Anonymous. (Also this URL.) The same abbreviation is used in French (for Alcooliques Anonymes -- sounds kinda cool), German (Anonyme Alkoholiker or Gemeinschaft der Anonymen Alkoholiker) and Spanish (Alcohólicos Anónimos). The Spanish adjective alcohólico is slightly unusual: since...
Brian Robinson, a professor at the University of North Carolina, told "20/20" in 1999 that children of workaholics developed the same disorders as children of alcoholics, such as depression and anxiety, that crippled them later in life. E. Viscusi offered the following tips for work...
Call our 24/7 hotline to talk to a member of Alcoholics Anonymous for help. In-Person & Online Meetings Near You CLICK THE ICON TO GET THE FREE MEETING GUIDE APP 513-351-0422 DRINKING PROBLEM? CALL US 24/7 Search Search Visit our office and bookstore or contact our office staff direct...