适航指令执行状态清单The list of AD Implement status 服务通告执行状态Implement status of SB 最近的试飞报告和排故记录 Last Flight test and troubleshooting record 最近的载重平衡报告Last Weight Balance Report 最近的罗盘系统/磁罗盘偏差记录Last Compass swing Report 校装和/或水平测量报告Rigging report 时限/...
机票信息篇 旅客姓名name of passenger 承运人(公司)carrier 航班号flight no. 座舱等级class (fare-basis) 机号plane No. 机座号seat No. 吸烟坐位smoking seat 非吸烟席non-smoking seat 前往城市to 起点城市from 起飞日期date 起飞时间time 旅行经停地点good for passage between 订座情况status 机票确认ticketconf...
I realized then that they hadn't been heading for a flight, but had just been riding the shuttle. "I want to ride some more!" "More?" the father said, mock-exasperated(嗔怪模仿) but clearly pleased. "You're not tired?" "This is fun!" his son said. "All right," the father ...
有关信息如下: (1)公司银行借款年利率当前是8%,明年将下降为7.9%,并保持借新债还旧债维持目前的借款规模,借款期限为5年,每年年末付息一次,本金到期偿还; (2)公司债券面值为1000元,票面利率为8%,期限为10年,每年年末付息一次,到期还本,当前市价为850元; (3)公司普通股面值...
14 "version": "2.0.2", 15 "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/acorn-dynamic-import/-/acorn-dynamic-import-2.0.2.tgz", 16 "integrity": "sha1-x1K9IQvvZ5UBtsbLf8hPj0cVjMQ=", 17 "dev": true, 18 "requires": { 19 "acorn": "4.0.13" 20 }, 21 "dependencies...
They're like turtles in their shells. But they don't know what they're missing out on. Learning another language is like adding wings to your flight. If you're only monolingual, you're just crawling on the ground.” 12. “I know a girl who is monolingual in Japanese. She enjoys ...
Eleven, flight number Love1314, 20xx * * * * * * off year month date, destination -- * * hotel, travel restrictions on the day when the flights, on the day of arrival Effective. I and beautiful she came together, our sweet invite you to witness and blessing. Dear * * *, and ...