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UTI, along with details for several common formats (TIKA-1012 / TIKA-1083) * Exceptions when parsing OLE10 embedded documents, when parsing summary information from Office documents, and when saving embedded documennts in TikaCLI are now logged instead of aborting extraction (TIKA-1074) ...
2 "name": "siema", update dependencies Feb 2, 2018 3 "version": "1.4.13", update npm stuff to the latest versions Sep 18, 2017 4 "lockfileVersion": 1, 5 "requires": true, 6 "dependencies": { 7 "acorn": { update dependencies Feb 2, 2018 8 "version": "5....
The officer who had to take the students up for their first flight allowed them to fly the plane for a few seconds if’ they wanted to and if they were not too frightened to try, but be was always ready to take over as soon as the plane started to do erous things. E. George wa...
BritishencouragelotargumentbyoncecampbrainfeatureafternoonAMweekenddozenpossibilityalonginsurancedepartmentbattlebeginningdategenerallyAfricanverysorrycrisiscompletefanstickdefineeasilythroughholeelementvisionstatusnormalChineseshipsolutionstoneslowlyscalebituniversityintroducedriverattempt jvrnrcnnnnrnmnrnnnnnrjjjnvnvvrrnnnnjjnn...
血常规:Hb102g/L,RBC3.2错1012/L,WBC7.6错109/L,NE60%,L36%。该患者典型的临床表现发生的机制是() A. 疟原虫在肝细胞内增殖引起 B. 疟原虫在红细胞内增殖引起 C. 血液内大量裂殖子存在引起 D. 大量红细胞破坏,裂殖子及其代谢产物释放入血引起 E. 大量配子体引起 查看完整题目与答案 合同总...
血红蛋白70g/L,红细胞2.8×1012/L,为明确贫血原因,下列哪项检查有早期诊断价值 A. 血清铁测定 B. 总铁结合力测定 C. 血清铁蛋白测定 D. MCV,MCH,MCHC测定 E. 骨髓检查 查看完整题目与答案 随着广播、电视和报纸等大众传媒进人千家万户、覆盖城乡,其对社会舆论的影响力扩大,越来越成为广...
根据《关于落实保险公司主体责任加强保险销售人员管理的通知》,保险公司要建立销售人员管理责任体系。为建立健全目标责任制,由( )承担领导责任,建立销售人员管理责任体系,由( )承担管理责任,由( )承担落实责任。