a lot of money.Very soon,eggs,meat,chicken and other food were r___on the table before them.“Please help y___,”said the waitress kindly.A___fifteen minutes they finshed the lunch.Then the man said to the waitress,“I’ll go to the washroom.I’ll be b___in a minute.” Hal...
Maybe when I graduate, I’ll think about an English teacher.A. become B. becoming C. became D. to become B [解析] 句意:也许到我毕业时.我考虑当一个英语老师.根据about介词.后用doing形式,故选B.
国家税务总局吉林省税务局公告2020年第1号 为进一步优化营商环境,方便纳税人办税,根据《吉林省房产税实施细则》(吉政发〔1987〕163号印发)、《国家税务总局关于发布〈印花税管理规程(试行)〉的公告》(国家税务总局公告2016年第77号)和《财政部关于印发〈中华人民共和国土地增值税暂行条例实施细则〉的通知》(财法字...
they asked the world to light candles on April 28 to mark the first anniversary of the shootings.And they warned Australia to tighten up gun laws - or risk another tragedy.Gun nut Martin Bryant went on a shooting spree in Port Arthur just six weeks after Thomas Hamilton struck in Dunblane...
蓝鲸TMT频道8月4日讯,库客音乐今日发布2021年第二季度财报。财报显示,二季度库客音乐营收8405万元(人民币,下同),同比增732%,毛利润为4969万元,同比增1...查看全文 相关标签更多> 音乐 相关企业信息 公司名称:北京库客音乐股份有限公司 法人代表:余赫 注册资本:1621.3275万人民币 成立时间:2000-06-07 公司类型:股...