AXIS A8105-E 网络视频门禁系统是一款功能完备的安保摄像头、功能强大的通信设备和方便的开门器。对您的监控解决方案的自然补充。 小巧方便 AXIS A8105-E 的尺寸仅为 48 毫米(1.89 英寸),适合您想要它去的任何地方——墙壁、门框和竖框。嵌入式安装附件可实现嵌入式安装在墙上。AXIS A8105-E 还采用安讯士的数...
AXIS A8105-E 小型高效门口安全摄像头说明 Datasheet AXIS A8105-E Small and powerful door security AXIS A8105-E is a small and powerful network video door station.It operates as a communication device and full-fledged security camera at the same time,providing HDTV video,audiovisual identification...
AXIS A8105-E门磁开关控制器说明书 AXIS A8105-E installation Relay powered by PoE (12V)Relay Door Door RELAY Name Port Type I/O Usage Normal state is...Current Status Open circuit Open circuit Open circuit Closed circuit To check relay state, go to:Setup > System Options > Ports & Devices...
In terms of physical size, the Axis A8105-E is nice and compact, measuring just 147mm x 35mm x 48mm. This, combined with its unobtrusive and minimal appearance, makes this doorbell suitable for a wide variety of installations, including both home and business usage. Axis also sell an opt...
AXIS A8105-E 网络视频门禁系统是一款功能完备的安保摄像头、功能强大的通信设备和方便的开门器。对您的监控解决方案 小巧方便 AXIS A8105-E 的尺寸仅为 48 毫米(1.89 英寸),适合您想要它去的任何地方——墙壁、门框和竖框。嵌入式安装附件可实现嵌入式安装在墙上。AXIS A8105-E 还采用安讯士的数字走廊格式...
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AXIS A8105-E盒类 repair 配件指南说明书 Installation Guide AXIS A8105-E Dome Repair Kit © Axis Communications AB, 2016 Ver. 1.0 Date: November, 2016 Part No. 1677329 5x5x
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