在处理器性能方面,酷睿i5 3470相较于AMD A8 7600具有明显的优势。无论是单核还是多核性能,i5 3470都更为出色。尤其在三代酷睿i5系列中,其性能已经超越了AMD的APU系列,包括A8 7600。即便到了最新的AMD处理器,如八核型号,其性能也未必能全面超越这款i5。酷睿i5 3470采用了Ivy Bridge架构,拥有四...
A8-7600 vs i5-3470T specifications comparison The charts below compare the most important Core i5-3470T and AMD A8-7600 characteristics. These features, together with an IPC (instructions per cycle) number, determine how well a processor performs. The "Number of cores / threads" graph shows ...
A8-7600 vs i5-3470S estimated performance The charts in the table below illustrate relative performance of A8-7600 and Core i5-3470S CPUs. Performance numbers for A8-7600 were determined based on a variety of tests. Results for Core i5-3470S were derived from test results of other processors...
三代i5的cpu性能秒apu的 a8 7600。最新的amd的8核也不比这款i5强。
Intel Core i5-3470 @ 3.20GHz,Intel Pentium G3260 @ 3.30GHz,AMD A8-7650K,Intel Celeron G3900 @ 2.80GHz 比较 - 那个强?
A8-7650K,性能相当Intel i3 2120双核四线程处理器,所以推荐用I5 3470配GTX1050会更好;若是预算足够,建议可以用i5-7500,1060 6G显卡画质更好
Intel 酷睿i5 3470和AMD Trinity APU A8哪个好 两个U不是一个用途,没法比较。如果打游戏,肯定是3470+660的组合,用Z77的板子,拉4倍,组64固态+1T机械。实惠点就是A8了,A8自带的核显有点能... 处理器 英特尔酷睿 i5 2400和AMD-A8-7500 哪个玩游戏相对来... 英特尔兼容性更好,如果有独显一定要用英特尔 ...
Intel Core i5-3470 @ 3.20GHz,Intel Xeon X5355 @ 2.66GHz,Intel Pentium G3260 @ 3.30GHz,AMD A8-7650K 比较 - 那个强?
A8-7600 vs i5-3475S estimated performance The charts in the table below show relative performance of A8-7600 and Core i5-3475S CPUs. Performance numbers for A8-7600 were determined based on a variety of tests. Results for Core i5-3475S were approximated from test results of other microproces...