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ZTE A7020 Lens 38.6 mm Focal length (35mm) 3.8 mm Focal length ƒ/1.8 Aperture None Stabilization 50.0º Horizontal field of view 38.6º Vertical field of view 1× Magnification factor Sensor 0.8 μ Pitch size 9.2 mm2 Sensor area...
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品 牌:中兴 ZTE 支持型号:中兴BladeA7S&ZTE A7020 固件版本:GEN_LA_P963F03V1.0.0B05_DL...
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In the Southern Song Dynasty, anti-Jin generals, military strategists, strategists, national heroes [1-3], calligraphers and poets ranked first among the "Four Generals of ZTE" in the Southern Song Dynasty.a man of value英语作文a man of value 英语作文...
品 牌:中兴 ZTE 支持型号:中兴BladeA7S&ZTE A7020 固件版本:GEN_EU_EEA_P963F03V1.0.0B17...