和弦式旋律(Chord-Melody) 第4课:一首简单的歌Jingle bells 3649 -- 0:41 App 30秒get旋律构造技巧 7.9万 16 2:34 App 你们玩得真变态 932 -- 0:20 App 251和声色彩不够,情绪来凑! 341 -- 18:54 App 《芦苇飞》《苹果香》《红昭愿》《茶花开了》《曾经是情侣》《风经过唱离合》 1208 -- 2...
24 -- 56:00 App Key signatures and chord harmony for guitarists 86 -- 5:21:54 App Piano Method For Beginners 67 -- 3:28:48 App Just Chords Piano Piano and Keyboard made easy 164 -- 5:06:17 App Breathing Bootcamp for Singers 102 -- 31:41 App Music Theory for Piano & Key...
2025年6月大学英语四六级单词看图记忆5500词(71-75) chord n. 弦,和音,情绪 例句:He struck a chord on the piano. 他在钢琴上敲出和音。 chorus n.合唱,合唱队,齐声 例句:Then a leading singer would stand out and recite alone, ...
Mac Miller-Rick's Piano 伴奏 Mac Miller-Mrs 伴奏 和声伴奏 Mac Miller-Manakins 伴奏 Mac Miller-Funny Papers 和声伴奏 Friendly Hallucinations 伴奏 Mac Miller-Excelsior 伴奏 和声伴奏 Do You Have a Destination? 伴奏 Mac 5 Dollar Pony Rides 伴奏 Mac MillerChord Organ 伴奏 Mac Miller -Transformations...
爱给网提供海量的音效专辑资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为wav 格式的反馈和弦A7(Feedback Chord A7), 本站编号62303012, 该音效专辑素材大小为2m, 时长为00:06, 声道为立体声, 音质为SQ无损品质, 比特率为2304k, 采样率为48000k, 更多精彩音效专辑素材,尽在爱给网。
Chord意为“和弦,和音”,该短语表示“引起共鸣,触动心弦”。 例句: The speaker has obviously struck a chord with his audience. 讲演者显然已引起了听众的共鸣。 The old song about friendship struck a chord with all the classmates at the reunion. ...
I've been learning to play piano for couple of weeks, and I've faced a question that has some controversial answers on the internet: What is the correct position of 2-3-4 fingers on white keys when playing an arpeggio - between black keys or below them? When I press WKs below BKs ...
If you were born in 2000 or in the years following it, the film Born in 2000 may strike a chord (引起共鸣)with you. The 11 shows how people born near this year have grown up. Filmed over 12 years, the film 12 the stories of two people — a boy named Chi Yiyang and...
Diminished chords are not a kind of minor chord. Yes, both the minor and diminished chords have a minor third, but they a considered different types of chords. The various qualities of triads come from the diatonic chords and their position in the diatonic scale, the intervals between the ...
Direct buttons, Function buttons If Bass Inv is off, the style’s bass part always sounds the note played Around the display are placed direct buttons and function buttons by the performer or the root note of the chord. that are linked with the contents of the display. Example: When you ...