如果您是素食主义者,Soul I Vegan Cafe & Restaurant Phuket是您的理想选择。此外,EAT Bar & Grill Restaurant Karon、Kata Villa Restaurant和The Karon Chilli Pepper也提供各种美食。如果您想尝试当地的农场菜肴,可以去O-Oh Farm Karon和Food Box Karon。无论您的口味是什么,这些餐厅都能满足您的需求。周边购物...
而Green Farm Deli Cafe則提供新鮮健康的餐點供您選擇。在這些餐廳中,您一定能找到適合自己口味的美食。周邊購物地標Snow Crystal公寓位於新雪谷/二世谷的理想位置,附近有多個購物地標供您盡情選購。步行至Ruhiel,您可以探索當地的特色店舖,尋找獨特的手工藝品和紀念品。另外,您也可以前往Boot Solutions Niseko,專門...
where you can enjoy a variety of dishes cooked using the traditional steaming method. Shimmer Cafe is the perfect spot for coffee lovers, offering a cozy atmosphere and a range of specialty brews. If you're in the mood for Japanese cuisine, Diao Zhi Sen Teppanyaki Restaurant is a must-visit...
Pier Hotel 里的酒吧氛围轻松,适合小酌一杯,Lucky Star Cafe 则提供各式便餐,方便快捷。想要享受烧烤美食的客人可以前往 Antlers Bar & Grill,那里有丰富的肉类选择。Aros 餐厅则以其现代化的菜品和独特的用餐体验而受到欢迎。Central Restaurant 提供多样的国际美食,适合各种口味的客人。最后,Dulse ...
Parents have to do much less for their children than they used to do, and home has become much less of a workshop.Clothes can be bought ready made; washing can be done at the laundry; food can be boug... A. a food shop B. a cafe C. a restaurant D. a cafeteria(自...