近日,记者专访了全国人大代表,河北省政协主席,省委常委,雄安新区党工委书记、管委会主任张国华,详细解读雄安新区建设妙不可言、心向往之的高水平社会主义现代化城市实践。3月7日,头版刊发专访文章,在海内外引起广泛关注。 Xiong'an seen as a...
in no case in the case in most case in any case什么意思 网友 3 最佳答案 回答者:网友 in this case在这种情况下(条件下) in most case在多数情况下 in any case在任何情况下 in no case在任何情况下都不推荐: casein hydrolysate Cas No: 65072-00-6 casein acid hydrolysate Cas No: 65072-00...
Posterior polar annular and hemispheric choroidal and retinal dystrophy: Optical coherence tomographic angiography description of a rare case Long‑term follow‑up may help understand whether the areas of atrophy expand over time.doi:10.4103/ijo.IJO_367_18Raja Narayanan... R Narayanan - 《Indian ...
PURPOSE: To provide an extrusion molding method of synthetic resin plate, which can perform extrusion molding of the synthetic resin plate having a glossy and smooth surface by excluding nonuniform thickness of a widthwise direction and a stepped surface even in the case where the resin plate is...
:exception MarshallingError: In case of validation or formatting problem """ value = self.get_value(key, obj) if value is None: return self.default return self.format(value) if value is None and self.CHECK_NONE: if hasattr(self, 'required') and self.required: raise MarshallingError('Miss...
如,Jennifer Ryan,“Management Marketing: a case study of Grafton Printers plc”, in The Irish Marketing Journal, Vol. 3 (December 1998), p. 12. (3)论文集 作者姓名,题目(用引号),in编者姓名(ed),文集名(下划线或斜体),出版地和出版时间(放 入括号),页码. 如,Howard Lemontree,“Discourse Marke...
Clarification - the term cancel is the specific case where the user contact Apple Care, requests a refund for the auto-renewing subscription In-App Purchase, is granted the refund, and the auto-renewing subscription has the cancellation_date set. This event is not the same as when the user ...
Weaving the artificial fiber, because as for metal make sheet 10 to be lacking in flexibiility that way laying becomes difficult in comparison with the former weed barrier sheet which was made, the case alteration the direction of laying it eases the difficulty of laying in order to make job...