Some wheats have a 1B/1R translocation and may produce flours that give sticky doughs, even with optimum mixing time and water absorption. Studies showed that the water-soluble fraction caused sticky dough. Dialysis experiments indicated that the responsible substance had low molecular weight. Ionic...
PURPOSE:To ensure the optimal combustion at all times and to reduce the pump drive loss, by controlling the delivery of a variable capacity fuel pump such that the fuel pressure corresponds to a target level, while coupling a fuel overflow path to an accumulator and arranging a solenoid valve...
来自 掌桥科研 喜欢 0 阅读量: 17 作者: 高俊林 摘要: 痈,脓肿与脓癣是病因完全不同而表现颇相似的三种病.后者与前二者在临床上极易混淆,基层医务人员往往将脓癣误诊为痈或脓肿而行切开引流术,甚 年份: 1984 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 掌桥科研 ...
作者: 朱美荣 摘要: 居住在美国的阿拉伯人后裔比一般的美国人要更加成功些。这个令人吃惊的结论是从美国人口普查局于2000年收集的数据中得出的,该结论在今年3月公布。这次调查显示阿拉伯裔美国人与一般的美国人相比,受过更好的教育,也更加富有。24%的美国人拥有大学学位,而相比之下,41%的阿拉伯裔美国人是大学毕...