Fittingly, it's a low-key, sombre record, looking back at old flames and old mistakes. The Technicolor exuberance of last year's Lover is entirely gone. In its place are muted pianos, mournful harmonicas and finger-picked guitars. This is Swift's...
1.吉他(guitar):弹撥弦樂器。 2.弦(string):吉他上的金属线,用来发出声音。 3.弹奏(play):用手指或者撥片等方式让吉他发出声音。 4.和弦(chord):指按照特定的音乐规则,同时按下几根弦的方式,形成和谐的声音。 5.单音(note):指音乐的最基本的元素。 6.和弦图(chord chart):显示吉他和弦的指法和音阶。 7...
第一种,将自动和弦开关拨到“0n”,并选择“Single finger chord”,采用单指演奏方式。这种方式类似傻瓜相机简单易学,只是可使用和弦只有区区几个,伴奏非常有限。 第二种,演奏方式是采用多指和弦,即将自动和弦伴奏选用“fingered chord”档位。这种方式比第一种演奏要难,但因伴奏和...
So, now that you know what a chord diagram looks like and how it matches with the neck of your guitar, it’s time to come back to what I said earlier about a chord being a combination of 3 or more notes played together. Finger placing symbols are added to the chord diagram so we ...
grandioso graphic notation grave grazioso ground bass guiro guitar gut string H habanera / havanaise half cadence half note / minim half tone / semitone handsign harmonic interval harmonic minor scale harmonic series harmonica harmonics harmonium 遊戲似的;玩笑似的 正確地;謹慎地 滑奏法;滑音 鋼片琴 鑼 ...