It is a medium strength bolt manufactured from a medium carbon or alloy steel that develops its mechanical values through a heat treating process. It is intended for general engineering applications. ASTM A449 is virtually identical in chemistry and strength to ASTM A325 and SAE J429 grade 5. ...
Length Measurement Method, lbfC Alternative Proof Load, Yield Strength Method (0.2 % Offset), lbfC Column 6 2 900 4 800 7 100 9 800 13 050 16 750 20 800 30 700 42 500 55 750 61 800 78 500 93 550 113 800 110 200 145 000 188 500 232 000 286 000 346 200 Bolt or Stud Diamet...
Length Measurement Method, lbfC Alternative Proof Load, Yield Strength Method (0.2 % Offset), lbfC Column 6 2 900 4 800 7 100 9 800 13 050 16 750 20 800 30 700 42 500 55 750 61 800 78 500 93 550 113 800 110 200 145 000 188 500 232 000 286 000 346 200 Bolt or Stud Diamet...
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