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However, the flow behind a finite span wing is significantly more complex than that of an infinite span wing. In order to corroborate this statement, the present experimental study contains high-speed particle image velocimetry measurements performed on a piezoelectric finite span wing oscillating in ...
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Don't Judge a Book by its Cover From the outside this looks like a normal run-of-the-mill pub, but once inside you realise that it is something different. With contemporary decor and a stylish nautical theme the ambience is comfortable and relaxed. A wide selection of local craft...
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Many Americans are turning to Japan, they think, a country of high academic(学术的) achievement and economic success, for possible answers. However, the answers provided by Japanese preschools are not the ones Americans expected to find. In most Japanese preschools, surprisingly little emphasis is...
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體感3° 風東南9 km/h 濕度67% 紫外線指數0 (最大值 11) 雲量34% 雨量0 公厘 06:00 5° 0% 多雲 體感3° 風東南10 km/h 濕度64% 紫外線指數0 (最大值 11) 雲量44% 雨量0 公厘 07:00 5° 0% 多雲 體感3° 風東南東 10 km/h 濕度65% 紫外線指數0 (最大值 11) 雲量...