The aircraft has 14 First, 70 Business, 60 Premium Economy and 341 Economy seats. View the Airbus A380 seat map for more information on the seating configurations and aircraft specifications.Your inflight experience Relax and unwind in the spacious, modern interiors of your cabin of choice, and...
Planform view showing moderate wing aspect ratio and the undercarriage(地面视图显示适度的机翼展弦比和起落架) 图片作者:F1jmm Composite photo of a structural loading test on the left wing box(左翼箱结构加载试验合成照片) 图片来源:IABG Dresden -
One seat, multiple stowage compartments. Tuck your cabin luggage under the seat in front of you. Place your laptop or handbag well within arm’s reach. Think of it as your corner office. Only with a much better view. Entertainment with a personal touch An 18” touchscreen monitor in hig...
However, the market-share battle has shifted to large single-aisles and 300-seat twin-aisles.[311] 参考译文:理查德·阿布拉菲亚预测最后一架A380飞机将在2020年交付,由于“傲慢、糟糕的市场分析、民族主义和简单的一厢情愿”,将导致不愉快的损失。2017年,A380机队超过了剩余的波音747客机数量,波音747在2000...
You can swing a footrest down from the seat in front, or use this padded section to support the lower part of your leg while your feet rest in a mesh ‘hammock’. Qantas A380 premium economy footrest. The theory is that with the seat reclined, your body is fully supported from head...
Why does this matter? Many people highly value that view on take-off, landing or any time during the flight. Theactualwindow seats also feel a little more private because you're a bit away from the aisle. So if you want a ‘real’ window seat on the Qantas A380, choose an A or ...
One seat, multiple stowage compartments. Tuck your cabin luggage under the seat in front of you. Place your laptop or handbag well within arm’s reach. Think of it as your corner office. Only with a much better view. Entertainment with a personal touch ...
It's worth avoiding sitting in rows 24, 25 and 26 on the A380s outfitted with first-class cabins because they are directly in front of the bar, and you may be bothered by the noise. The rows to avoid on the A380s without first class are 21, 22 and 23, so check your seat map ...
View all In-flight amenities Audio Video AC Power Internet Food Each seat is equipped with personal Audio Visual on Demand (AVOD) via Emirates' ICE entertainment system. There is an extensive menu of audio and music tracks available. More Information Overview Emirates was the second airline to...
6A is a great seat, great location. Superior leg-room. It is also close to the larger, front toilets as well as to the snack area. However, the seat has an excessive number of controls, and, as a bed, it is lumpy with hard edges. I made the mistake of not using the mattress co...