新一代商務艙的座椅提供兩種新的座椅設定:「Lazy Z」休閒椅坐姿,將身體的重心置於位座椅中央並均衡支撐身體各部位;以及「Sundeck」坐姿,藉由座墊與腿靠的延伸,伸展雙腿放在腳凳上,讓您如同坐臥在躺椅上恣意地舒展放鬆。 全平躺睡床 以蘇格蘭皮革打造、手工縫製著菱格紋椅面的舒適座椅,在您準備休憩時可轉換鋪成全...
Emirates is also following the same trend as several other A350 airlines in removing the central overhead luggage bins from the business class cabin to emphasise the A350’s room-like space – thankfully, the oversized bins above the windows have ample room for everyone’s bags. All that said...
最近体验了一次芬兰航空新推出的A350XWB Premium Economy,感觉还不错。相比之前的版本,这次新增了一个腿部支撑板,还提供了一瓶水和简单的洗漱用品(见图1左:Premium Economy,右:Business Class)。虽然这次机票价格(3k+€)在疫情前绝对是商务舱的价格,但现在商务舱的价格(6k+€)确实有点肉疼😅。以前喜欢芬兰航空...
China Airlines’ already-impressive A350 business class is set to get even better, with theSkyTeam membernow working on new business class suites for its 15-strong fleet. The Taiwanese airline is starting from a pretty good place, but we’re expecting the same step up from its current busine...
• 舱位:Business Class • 路线:SEA-SIN 出发| Departure 直接打车到西雅图SEA,航站楼外的标识清楚的标明了新航。 虽然每天只有一班新航的航班,不过新航的柜台还是蛮多的。 打印登机牌的时候直接和后程即将打卡的新航套房连起来了(隔夜转机),经理还让我等等,还特意跑回办公室拿套房的登机牌,地面细节已经吊打...
CA的A350-900 Business Class,第一次见中间没有安装行李架的客舱,空间开阔的感觉十分地好评[开学季] 毕竟是没几年的新飞机,硬件水平应该算是国内靠前的,唯一不能理解的是座椅安全带是和车一样的三点式,虽然...
再次出轨东航A350商务舱中秋往返成都九寨沟 ・时间:2024/9/13-9/18 ・上海虹桥(SHA) 成都双流机场(CTU) ・航空公司:东方航空MU ・航班号:MU5415/5406 ・舱位:公务舱 Business Class ・飞 - H2K于20241022发布在抖音,已经收获了4172个喜欢,来抖音,记录美
客舱默认的情境灯光是清爽蓝,非常适合客舱整体的白/蓝/银灰色基调。 逐渐向暖色调转换 清晨抵达前会有一抹金色的日出 总的来说,芬航在其A350客舱的选材上别出心裁,每一处都经过深思熟虑,打造了欧洲最佳的商务舱体验之一。 原文链接://www.ausbt.com.au/review-finnair-airbus-a350-business-class-seat...
Singapore Airlines A350 Business Class cabin short haul The seats are in a 1-2-1 configuration, so everyone has an aisle access. As I was travelling solo, I got a window seat, 11K. The seat: spacious, private, but could be more comfortable ...
The Finnair Airbus A350 XWB has 297 seats: 46 in Business Class, 43 in Economy Comfort Class, and 208 in Economy Class. The 46 Business Class seats are spread over two cabins: a large Business Class cabin with 32 seats (in 8 rows) at the front while a smaller and more intimate Busine...