Toulouse, 14 December 2023– Japan Airlines (JAL) has taken delivery of its first A350-1000 from Airbus’ delivery centre in Toulouse, France. The A350-1000 is set to become the airline’s new international aircraft, initially flying on the prestigious Tokyo Haneda - New York JFK rou...
日本航空 (JAL) 已从位于法国图卢兹的空客交付中心接收了第一架 A350-1000。 A350-1000 将成为该航空公司的新型国际飞机,最初执飞著名的东京羽田 - 纽约肯尼迪航线。 日航的 A350 配置为四个等级。 头等舱设有六间套房,每间套房都有三种模式可供选择:沙发、座椅和单人床或双人床。 商务舱还提供套房,设有 54 ...
不容易啊!日航这架A35K 印象里从8月跳到1011月最终定档在了24年1月24日!执飞航班号为JL06。因为空乘人员的不熟悉,整体服务有好的地方,也有非常值得提升,进步空间极大的地方。同时这次日本航空A35K新旗舰的发布吸引了一大堆媒体参与,非常多人关注。毕竟代表着日航新一
【JAL 首架 A350亮相】@日本航空JAL 首架@空中客车 A350完成喷涂亮相,飞机尾部喷上了「Airbus A350」的特别涂装,预计将于6月交付。 日航前三架A350将采用彩绘涂装,分别用红色、银色和绿色在机身后部加上「AIR...
Japan Airlines (JAL) has done just that, this week unveiling the interiors of its high-tech new Airbus A350-1000 aircraft, “which will become the airline’s new flagship for international service after nearly 20 years,” the carrier says in a statement. ...
(JAL) has revealed new first- and business-classcabin products for the Airbus A350-1000, which will soon be usedfor transpacific flights connecting Tokyo Haneda and New York JFK.However, the carrier warned that supply chain issues had stymiedits planned November 2023 launch of the A350-1000, ...
日本航空JAL 首架@空中客车 A350完成喷涂亮相,飞机尾部喷上了「Airbus A350」的特别涂装,预计将于6月交付。日航前三架A350将采用彩绘涂装,分别用红色、银色和绿色在机身后部加上「AIRBUS A350」字样。主要用于国内航线的日航A350使用369座高密度布局,包括F8/C94/Y263,仅比375座的高密度777-200少6座。日航共订购31...
[完整飞行] 日本航空 – Airbus A350-941 – HND(东京)-OKA(琉球) – JA15XJ – JL919 2610 1 12:33 App 日本航空A350-1000 纽约肯尼迪落地+滑行 1471 1 10:02 App 飞行VLOG|札幌新千岁✈东京羽田--日本航空国内线A350-900头等舱体验 8527 172 13:06 App “全球第二繁忙航线”|FLIGHT VLOG 日本...
Japan Airlines (JAL) has taken delivery of its first Airbus A350-1000, which will allowthe carrier to start scheduled service with the aircraft in January.Airbus officially handed over the aircraft to JAL on Dec. 14. This occurred slightlylater than expected, as JAL had previously said the fi...