MNG Airlines (MB, Istanbul Airport) has taken delivery of its first narrowbody freighter, an A321-200(P2F), and plans to take a second of the type "in the near future". TC-MYA (msn 3369) was converted at Singapore Seletar by ST Engineering. It was ferried via Delhi International ...
首拍RAYA空客A321-200P2F.帅呆了 #飞友日常 #拍飞机 #首拍 - 𝘼𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙠𝙖..🇵🇸于20240604发布在抖音,已经收获了7.3万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
BBN Airlines Türkiye (B5, Antalya) took delivery of its first A321-200(P2F) on June 17, 2023, and said it would induct it into revenue service "shortly". VP-CTN (msn 2005) was ferried after conversion at Singapore Seletar to Istanbul Atatürk, via Chennai and Dubai World Central. It ...
空客A321P2F:重新定义货运效率与性能 作为昔日客运领域的 “明星机型”,A321-200P2F凭借卓越的燃料经济性和广泛的机场适应性,已然在客改货窄体机市场中占据了一席之地。 转型后的A321-200P2F,凭借高达27吨的惊人载货能力,能够轻松胜任各种大规模货运任务。其主货舱可容纳14个大型集装箱或货板,同时腹舱内还可装载10...