学术海报模版ppt Poster TemplateProvidedByGenigraphics–800.790.4001 ReplaceThisTextWithYourTitle REPLACETHISBOXWITH YOURORGANIZATION’S HIGHRESOLUTIONLOGO REPLACETHISBOXWITH YOURORGANIZATION’S HIGHRESOLUTIONLOGO JohnSmith,MD1;JaneDoe,PhD2;FrederickJones,MD,PhD1,2 1UniversityofAffiliation,2MedicalCenterof...
Figure 1: Trim video directly from within PowerPoint 2010. 6 Video tools. Add fades, video effects and styles. The formatting and effects that you apply to the videos you insert from your files are retained while the video plays. Video poster frame. Use your slide area to t...
Requirement:On an individual or group basis, fill out the registration form and application form, create an electronic poster in English according to the template, and send all materials to emailyixi.23@intl.zju.edu.cn. 报名时间:3月6日-3月20...
Page 16 of 188 Trim video directly from within PowerPoint 2010. Video tools. Add fades, video effects and styles. The formatting and effects that you apply to the videos you insert from your files are retained while the video plays. Video poster frame. Use your slide area to ...
- Instruct each group to brainstorm and create a poster showing how they can use the prop to save water. - Allow each group to present their poster to the class, explaining their ideas. 5. Group Activity: "Water Conservation at Home" (10 minutes) - Give each student a piece of paper...
Digital Google Slides™ version includes one pre-made board game and an editable template for you to add your own words. Embedded dice and moveable game pieces. Other ways to use the ghost cards: 1. s K - 2nd Autumn, Phonics, Reading CCSS RF.1.2b , RF...