基于单站A D S-B测向技术的防欺骗系统研究 杨志强,刘爱森 (四川九洲空管科技有限责任公司,四川绵阳621000)摘要:首先介绍了相关干涉仪测向原理,以此提出了在广播式自动相关监视(A D S-B)防欺骗系统中圆阵天线的阵元个数㊁天线孔径的设计方法,并根据A D S-B的信号特性用MA T A L A B仿真得出了最佳阵列...
Beacon Radar and TCAS Reply Rates: Airborne Measurements in the 1090 MHz Band. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is in the process of developing Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) techniques. In one candidate s... Harman, W. H,Brennan, M. J - 《Beacon Radar & Tcas...