DOWNLOAD SCOPE OF ACCREDITATION Get Calibrated Need your hardness testers calibrated? Looking to add or renew a ServiceGuard preventative maintenance plan to your Struers equipment? One of our service representatives will be happy to assist you. ...
Convenient, comprehensive, and cost-effective online metrology and calibration training. AWPT’s wide selection of courses make up a comprehensive online metrology school tailored to working professionals. AWPT is an excellent resource for virtual calibration training courses, metrology training courses, ...
June 10, 2012,Frederick, MD A2LA¹s ³ISO 15189 and Accreditation² course will be offered in Dallas, TX on September 24-25, 2012. This course will use lecture, discussion and interactive exercises to assist you in understanding the benefits of the ISO 15189 standard. Through the ...
A2LA is a non-profit, multi-discipline accreditation body with over 30 years of experience providing internationally recognized accreditation services and quality training. A2LA¹s world-class accreditation services encompass testing and calibration laboratories, me...