Airbus chief executive officer Guillaume Faury sees a possibility for the OEM to expand its A220 product line with a new A220-500 model. Faury said Airbus still has work to do on the A220 family and the "end game" with the A220 family depends on the horizon.Bonnassies, Olivier...
提交时间:5 年以前 The Air France-KLM Group CEO Ben Smith thinks that Airbus should consider the production of A220-500, an elongated variant of the current A220-300. Last week, Air France-KLM Group signed an order commitment for 60 Airbus A220-300 jets. But, it seems...
在面对媒体采访时,法荷航方面表示,空客有技术能力研发更大型号的A220,如果这一情况成真,我们会把其列入未来(2025年后)中型机队的选项之一。 另外,大韩、达美等A220重要客户同样表示了对A220-500的期待。这些航企作为A220系列的主要运营航企,既然有如此表态,自然说明他们对A220-500的潜在需求。 瑞士航空是空客A220-...
The Airbus A220 is the smallest family of narrowbody commercial airliners produced by Airbus. The type is known for its fuel efficiency and five-abreast seating configuration.
Analysts and Airbus Clash Over Airbus A220-500 Launch at Paris Air Show 提交时间:大约 1 年以前 There seems to be a disagreement between analysts and Airbus regarding the potential launch of the Airbus A220-500, a stretched variant of the A220 aircraft, at the upcoming...
[173] 同月,在 Allegiant Air决定放弃A220的决定后,部分原因是围绕A220-500推出的不确定性,空中客车首席商务官Christian Scherer表示,加长版A220变种已计划好,尽管它不是短期决策的议程项目。[174] In July 2022, Airbus solicited an engine proposal from Pratt & Whitney and CFM International as a possible ...
每天,都竭尽思考想象创造天空和空间的新方法,建立一个更智能,更安全,更令人惊叹的航天体系。以上这些不仅仅停留在思想层面,柯林斯宇航的设计和制造,正在努力为全球航空航天和国防客户提供无与伦比的智能解决方案,以重新定义航空航天。 查看完整报告: Collins Aerospace_AirbusA220.pdf...
Badges None Notes None Camera Canon 6D MarkII Canon R6 | Canon 24-105 Canon 100-500 Tamron 70-210 Aircraft Reg: F-HPNH photos Aircraft: Airbus A220-371 Airline: Air France Serial #: 55275 Photo Location München Franz Josef Strauss - EDDM Germany Photographer Ari-Peter-Spotter...
大型民航飞机掌握在波音BOEING和空客AIRBUS手中,波音和空客为了争夺市场不惜代价,这在民航界称为AB大战,AB大战从上世纪80年代开始,波音推出767对付空客的A300客机,效果不佳,之后空客推出A320绝杀了波音737-300,-400-500,最终波音不得不继续加长,这就是波音737NG。 之后空客再次加长推出A320NEO,波音没有准备,不得不...