@惠生活松下ds-a2142g参数配置详情介绍 惠生活 松下DS-A2142CG参数配置详情介绍 松下DS-A2142CG是一款踢脚线地暖器,以下是其主要参数配置: 产品类型:踢脚线地暖器 摆放方式:立式,不占空间,适合各种家居环境。 采暖面积:21-30平方米,适用于中小户型。 加热方式:采用石墨烯铝片加热,仿真炭火速热,取暖效率高。
Clarithromycin resistance is mostly due to mutations in 23S rRNA gene: A2142G, A2142C, and A2143G. The aim of the current study is to determine the prevalence of CLR-R among H. pylori infected children with prior clarithromycin treatment. Materials and Methods: Mul...
幽门螺杆菌对克拉霉素耐药性的产生和耐药率的增加是其根除治疗失败的主要原因之一.幽门螺杆菌对克拉霉素耐药的分子机制与幽门螺杆菌23S rRNA V区A2142G、A2142C和A214... 任英霞,崔东来 - 《国外医学(内科学分册)》 被引量: 1发表: 2005年 Detection of Clarithromycin-Resistant Helicobacter pylori in Stool Sa...
Helicobacter pylori 23S rRNA gene A2142G, A2143G, T2182C, and C2195T mutations associated with clarithromycin resistance detected in Sudanese patients associated with clarithromycin-resistance in 36% (9/25) of samples; the A2142G was present in one sample, A2143G in 5 samples and T2182C ...
The DNA sequencing revealed the presence of mutations associated with clarithromycin-resistance in 36% (9/25) of samples; the A2142G was present in one sample, A2143G in 5 samples and T2182C in 4 samples. Additionally, another point mutation (C2195T) was detected in 3 samples. There ...
Detection of A2142C, A2142G, and A2143G Mutations in 23s rRNA Gene Conferring Resistance to Clarithromycin among Helicobacter pylori Isolates in Kerman, Iran Hamid Abdollahi,Mohammad Savari,Mohammad Javad Zahed,Sodaif Darvish Moghadam Keywords: Clarithromycin , point mutations , Helicobacter pylori ...
Table 1.The hybridization probes and primers used for the detection of thecagAgene and A2143G, A2142C, and A2142G mutations. 2.4. Detection of A2143G, A2142C, and A2142G Point Mutations by Real-Time PCR H. pyloriDNA isolation from stool samples was performed using the High Pure PCR...
NUTRISOURCE【防伪可查】甄萃进口猫粮无谷鲜肉猫粮幼猫全猫粮鸡肉成猫粮【试吃装】田园甄选无谷猫粮142g 商品好评率100% ¥8.5 去购买 优惠 满15元减10元 领取 潜力作者激励计划 每日白菜 1757 本文作者 咘s帅爸 还没有享受生活的资本。值友们互爱吧,尽早实现享受生活吧。
(1)44.8L某气体在标准状况下的质量为142g.该气体的摩尔质量为 ,(2)N2在标准状况下的密度为 g/L,(3)在 mol AL2(SO4)3中含0.3molSO42-.其中含Al3+ 个.
解答:解:由图知在T1时溶解度是40g,142g温度为T2K的饱和硫酸钠溶液,当温度降为T1K时,如果析出来的晶体是Na2SO4则有2g,实际应为Na2SO4?10H2O肯定要大于2g.那么在T4K时析出的晶体是无水硫酸钠,质量是大于2g.所以温度为T4K时Na2SO4的溶解度应该小于T1时的溶解度,即小于40g. ...