参考价格及参考库存 美国1号仓库仓库直销,订单金额100元起订,满300元含运,满500元含税运,有单就有优惠,量大更优惠,支持原厂订货 型号制造商描述操作 C2053A.12.01 [更多]General Cable Technologies Corporation HOOK-UP SOLID 16AWG BLACK 100' RoHS: Compliant|pbFree: Yes ...
适配器 Adapter 衰减器 Attenuator 步进衰减器 Attenuator 天线Antenna 同轴电缆 Coaxial Cable 机械移相器 Phase Shifter 数控/压控移相器 振荡器 Oscillator 波导喇叭 Waveguide Horns 测试附件Test Accessories GPIB控制系列 GPIB Control 屏蔽箱 Shielded Cell EMC测试 FCC 传感器 Fizoptika KVH 双工...
A variety of professional terminology connector 1. Connector: normally attached to the cable or equipment, components of the transmission line system for detachable electrical connection (except for the adapter). 2. RF connectors: a connector used in the radio frequency range. 3. Video: ...
GB /T 3756 - 200824° Cone Connectors - Swivel Stud Straight Adapter with O-ring with Shud End 44 [GB] GB 3289.23 - 1982Malleable Cast Iron Pipe Fittings - Type Size - No - Square Inner Joint (Nipples) 45 [GB] GB 3289.2 - 1982Malleable Cast Iron Pipe Fittings - Type Size - Elbows...
3、三级缓存 11月3日《走进面向接口编程,通用版万能适配器框架》 1、还在为多层级嵌套布局困惑吗 2、详解列表条目对象的接口化 3、Adapter适配器的拓展与局限 添加微信领取资料包 及Android进阶系列直播 免费直播,先到先得~ ▲添加成功附赠Android资料包一份...
adapter.Fill(ds); richTextBox1.Text = "恭喜,签到成功" + "\n迟到情况:" + qink + "\n实际到达时间:" + NowTime + "\n应到时间:" + worktime + "\n\n修改密码请与管理员联系"; conn.Close(); } } catch(SystemException) { richTextBox1.Text = "签到失败,请与管理员联系"; conn.Close...
ISO 8434-1 (RDSW) - 2018Reducing Swivel Straight Adapter with O-ring Sealing 24 [ISO] ISO 8434-1 (BHE) - 2018Bulkhead Elbows 25 [DIN] DIN 2353 - 2013Non-soldering Compression Fittings with Cutting Ring for Screwed Connections with Tapered Screw-in Spigot form C According to DIN 3852-1...