a2-key-listening-sample-test 187 2023-04 查看更多 猜你喜欢 278 Madalena-Flor De Lis by:小众style 712 法语小说 B1 Au lis des vallees by:白辰33 2.8万 A2 Key 2 by:典妈书房11 2.7万 A2 KEY 2 by:美恩英语 3.7万 剑桥A2 KEY2 by:瑞普思英语 ...
a2-key-listening-sample-test 2020-01-05 14:29:4929:49 285 所属专辑:KET2020版官方样题 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 剑桥KET2020版官方样题 剑桥KET2020版官方样题 改革后官方最新版听力高清MP3音频材料,由中国雅思名校-广州雅思英语学校收集整理上传,供广大KET考生参考。如需剑桥KET2020版官方样题 改革后官方最新版...
1 KEY ENGLISH TEST for Schools LISTENING SAMPLE TEST AUDIOSCRIPT Cambridge English, Key English Test for Schools – Listening. Sample Test. There are five parts to the test. You will hear each piece twice. We will now stop for a moment. Please ask any questions now because you must NOT s...
KEY ENGLISH TEST LISTENING SAMPLE TEST AUDIOSCRIPT Cambridge English, Key English Test – Listening. Sample Test.There are five parts to the test. You will hear each piece twice.We will now stop for a moment.Please ask any questions now because you must NOT speak during the test.Now, ...
CambridgeEnglish,KeyEnglishTest–Listening.SampleTest. Therearefivepartstothetest.Youwillheareachpiecetwice. Wewillnowstopforamoment. PleaseaskanyquestionsnowbecauseyoumustNOTspeakduringthetest. Now,lookattheinstructionsforPartOne. Pause05" Foreachquestion,choosethecorrectanswer. ...
2020KET剑桥英语考试样题-A2KeyforSchools2020sampletestsListen.pdf,KEY ENGLISH TEST for S hools KEY ENGLISH TEST for S hools LISTENING SAMPLE TEST LISTENING SAMPLE TEST AUDIOSCRIPT AUDIOSCRIPT –– Cambridge English, Key English Test for S hools Listening
Centre Number Candidate Number Candidate Name KEY ENGLISH TEST for Schools Listening Sample Test Time Approximately 35 minutes (including 6 minutes’transfer time) INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so. Write your name, centre number and candidate nu...
KET 2020样题A2 Key 2020 sample tests Listening - question paper 热度: Toward Speaking Excellence (TSE, SPEAK tests) 2nd Ed, 2005, Michigan, Papajohn, 0472030868 热度: 相关推荐 1 KeySpeakingSampleTests Test1:Eating 2 Test1 Part1(3-4minutes) Phase1 Interlocutor Tobothcandidates ToCandidateA...
Key Speaking Sample Tests Test 1: Eating Test 2: Holidays 1 Test 1 Part 1 (3-4 minutes) Phase 1 Interlocutor To both candidates To Candidate A To Candidate B Good morning / afternoon / evening. Can I have your mark sheets, please? Hand over the mark sheets to the Assessor. I’m ...
2020KET剑桥英语考试样卷-A2 Key 2020 sample tests Speaking Key Speaking Sample Tests Test 1: Eating Test 2: Holidays 1