除了考点外,考纲上关于物理化学这部分有很多调整: 首先删除了fuel cell,将titration curve和mass spectrometry移到了AS;细节化了单元内容,比如electron affinity和partition coefficient的影响因素,Gibb’s free energy与E cell的计算公式,first order和ha...
1. Chemical EnergeticsFree Energy and EntropyLattice Enthalpy, Ionisation Energy, Born-Haber Cycles, Hydration Enthalpy化学能量部分,关注晶格能的概念,电离能的定义和意义,Born-Haber循环和水合焓。 2. ElectrochemistryElectrode Potentials - Redox, Half Cells, Electrochemical Series电化学的部分,小渊在复习的时候...
原创内容,转载请注明出处。 澳洲的A2婴儿奶粉在国内很受欢迎。在奶油所在的布里斯班,基本上超市和药房的A2婴儿奶粉一直处在缺货状态。不仅如此,在澳洲本地A2的鲜奶虽然价格比其他奶略贵一些,但是也一直卖的相…
After nearly half a year of continuous searching, I finally did it. I got an offer in sports operation. 经过近半年的不断寻找后,我终于做到了。我应聘上了一份做体育运营的工作。 It may seem bland to others, but only I know wha...
9.1Design and development 研发历程 On 25 June 1945, theBureau of Aeronautics(BuAer) asked Douglas Aircraft for a turbine-powered, propeller-driven aircraft. Three proposals were put forth in the next year and a half: the D-557A, to use twoGeneral Electric TG-100s(T31s) in wing nacelles...
after half 船后半部after hatch 后舱口after hatch 后舱口尾舱after hatch=afterhatch 后舱口after hatchway 后舱口after head spring 首倒缆after head spring 后助缆after heat 酷暑after heat 秋老虎after high-pressure air manifold 后配气阀总管after hold 后货舱after hold=afterhold 后舱after hood ...
G2 RSC, DB-G2-RSC-A2, SRAM. G2 RSC is the half-ton pickup truck of the mountain bike brake world — dependable, go anywhere, do anything, plenty of power when you need it, and all...
半衰期(half-life)和衰变常数的关系 \displaystyle t_{1/2}=\frac{\ln2}{\lambda} 医学成像 X射线管(X-ray tube)产生X光子能量 q_eV = hf_\text{max} \quad \text{or} \quad q_eV=\frac{hc}{\lambda_\text{min}} X光/声波在介质中的衰减(attenuation)规律 ...
炸土豆片,give some advice提一些建议,go to college上大学,travel around the world环游世界,work hard努力工作,keep...to oneself保守秘密,in the end最后,终于 ,make mistakes犯错,in half分成两半,solve a problem决解问题,run alway from.远离重点句型 1).What will happen if they have the party today...