The decision limits for nonpregnant adults, according to the American Diabetes Association, are as follows [1] : The diagnostic criterion for diabetes is a hemoglobin A1c level greater than or equal to 6.5% (48 mmol/mol) For patients with diabetes mellitus, the goal of therapy, in general...
[2]. HbA1c determination used clinically to evaluate glycemic control depends on 3 factors: (1) the HbA1c in reticulocytes when they are released from the bone marrow; (2) the synthetic rate of HbA1c (or Hb glycation rate) as red blood cells (RBCs) become older, a function of glucose...
older adultstype 2 diabetesBackground: although type 2 diabetes increases risk of dementia by 2-fold, whether optimizing glycemic level in late life can reduce risk of dementia remains uncertain. We examined if achieving the glycemic goal recommended by the American Diabetes Association (ADA) within...
Impact of high-intensity interval training on cardio-metabolic health outcomes and mitochondrial function in older adults: a review Exercise being a potent stimulator of mitochondrial biogenesis, there is a need to investigate the effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) among... S Mahatme...
The follow-up period of DIGAMI1 ranged from 0 to 21.8 years to observe the effect of glucose control on mortality in older patients who experienced myocardial infarction (mean age = 68 years). Ten studies enrolled diabetic patients with a history of macrovascular disease [9, 10, 34–41], ...
In terms of age, participants ranged from emerging and young adults (aged 18-30 years) to older adults (aged 65 years and older). Time living with T1D ranged from 1 to 56 years. Table 1. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the participants. Characteristic (N=24)Values, n (%) ...
Adults 45 years or older, to have a baseline reading in case diabetes develops later Children 10 to 17 years with more body weight than recommended and 2 or more other risk factors for diabetes Anyone with signs or symptoms of diabetes, such as increased thirst, slow-healing infections, or ...
intensive therapy reduced the risk of sustained retinopathy progression by 73% compared with standard treatment. Such significant reductions led to the recommendation by professional societies that for microvascular disease prevention, the HbA1Cgoal for nonpregnant adults should be less than 7% or even ...
goal for HbA1c in diabetic monitoring continues to be <7% in diabetic nonpregnant adults. HbA1c is a good reflection of the glucose control over the lifespan of the red blood cells (typically 120 days). HbA1c may be assessed using separation or chemical methods. International standardization ...
Our sample is reflective of the United States Veterans Administration patient population, consisting largely of older patients who are predominantly male, of older age, and have significant co-morbidities. Further, all of the participants in our cohort participated in at least one diabetes self-...