Prediction of large‐for‐gestational‐age infant by fetal growth charts and hemoglobin A1c level in pregnancy complicated by pregestational diabetes To compare the ability of three fetal growth charts (Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF), Hadlock and National Institutes of Child Health and Human Developmen...
The effect of weight loss on fasting blood sugars and hemoglobin A1c in overweight and obese diabetics and non diabetics. J Diabetes Mellitus. 2012;2(1):126-130.Stanford J, Kaiser M, Ablah E, Dong F, Forney B P, Early J. The effect of weight loss on fasting blood sugars and ...
760 patients completed the wave 2 survey, medical chart data were unavailable for 1,928 patients (28.5%), leaving 4,832 patients completing surveys with available medical charts. The sample size was further reduced by 1,279 patients due to ...
The effect of weight loss on fasting blood sugars and hemoglobin A1c in overweight and obese diabetics and non diabetics. J Diabetes Mellitus. 2012;2(1):126-130.Stanford J, Kaiser M, Ablah E, Dong F, Forney B P, Early J. The effect of weight loss on fasting blood sugars and ...
This is consistent with prior literature which has demonstrated that poorly controlled diabetics have higher complication rates in spine surgery. Interestingly, our data determined a lower HbA1c cutoff value for predicting all complications within 30 days as compared to the previously described cutoff ...