The Afinion HbA1c assay is the result of years of commitment to continuous product innovation and refinement offering rapid results in minutes. We take all of the complexity out of the hands of the user and design our tests to be simple and intuitive. Confidence in Testing The test has ...
Abbott 糖尿病用検査キットAFINION™ HbA1c全血カセット お気に入りに追加する 商品比較に追加する 特徴 用途 糖尿病用 検証済みパラメータ HbA1c サンプルのタイプ 全血 形式 カセット 結果表示時間 3 min サンプル量 0.001 ml (0.00003 US fl oz)...
A total of 1,229 subjects with A1c values spanning the Afinion assay measuring range were enrolled. For the Afinion 2, 95.04% (95% lower confidence limit, LCL: 93.33%) of FS and 94.86% (95% LCL: 93.12%) of V results were within the ATE zone. For the AS100, 94.22...
在令人尤感兴趣的制造商级别,使用新鲜全血样本,13家实验室检测结果符合IFCC标准(使用的系统分别为:雅培Architect酶法,美艾利尔Afinion,贝克曼-库尔特Unicell DxC,伯乐D100, 爱科来HA-8160,爱科来HA-8180,Sebia 2Flex Piercing毛细管电泳仪,Sebia ...
糖化血红蛋白质控液Alere Afinion HbA1c Control 管理类别 第二类 型号规格 CⅠ:1×0.5mL;CⅡ:1×0.5mL。 结构及组成 糖化血红蛋白质控液CⅠ、糖化血红蛋白质控液CⅡ。(具体内容详见说明书) 适用范围 本产品用于糖化血红蛋白检测的质量控制。 产品储存条件及有效期 ...
产品名称(英文) Alere Afinion HbA1c Control 结构及组成/主要组成成分 糖化血红蛋白质控液CⅠ、糖化血红蛋白质控液CⅡ。(具体内容详见说明书) 适用范围/预期用途 本产品用于糖化血红蛋白检测的质量控制。 型号规格 CⅠ:1×0.5mL;CⅡ:1×0.5mL。 注册证编号 国械注进20172400065 注册人名称(中文) 奥林巴...
The performance of POC devices, Afinion and Quo-test were compared to central laboratory HPLC method; Adams A1c HA 8160. Both POC devices showed good correlation to HA 8160 with r???=???0.94 (p???doi:10.1186/1756-0500-6-540Ruziana Mona Wan Mohd Zin...
糖化血红蛋白A1c的检测方法与干扰因素.pdf,·4 18 · 2012 6 30 6 Chin J Clin Lab Sci ,Jun. 2012 ,Vol. 30 ,No. 6 临床检验杂志 年 月第 卷第 期·· 文章编号:1001-764X (2012)06-4 18-03 糖尿病的实验室诊断 糖化血红蛋白A1c 的检测方法和干扰因素 , ( , 200
Aim was to evaluate the analytical performance of a new Point of Care (POCT) system (Afinion TM AS100 Analyzer, Axis-Shield PoC AS, Oslo, N), based on boronate affinity chromatography. The system takes 3 min per test, requires 1.5 μL whole blood per analysis, does not suffer interferenc...
Axis-Shield USA(Norton, MA) offers the CLIA-waivedAfinion™ Test Cartridge, which is used to test HbA1c on the Afinion AS100 Analyzer. The test cartridges come in kits of 15, and are used to directly sample blood from a finger stick. The sample size is 1.5 μL...