Using our ChargerLAB Power-Z KM001 USB tester, it shows that the charger can charge at 5V2.4A, 9V3A, and 20V4.3A. Using our ChargerLAB Power-Z FL001 USB tester, it shows that the maximum power of the charger at 5V step is 4.84V/3.5A/17W, with input power at 20.01W (eff...
Wuxi Boraite Supercharger Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (自动翻译更新) 注册地址 无锡市惠山区堰桥街道塘头社区振原路8号(邮编214171)附近企业 通信地址 无锡市恵山区堰桥街道塘头社区振厡路8号(邮编214171)(2023年报) 经营范围 增压器的生产、销售;汽车配件的销售。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可...