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iMac 12,2 (A1312 Mid 2011 27inch) PS: This is a dedicated kit for BCM94331CSAX / BCM94360CS / BCM943602CS, including extension cable -- U.FL / IPEX1 to MPH4 / IPEX4. Do not use BCM943602CS on iMac11,1, the system has no EFI driver for more recent BT cards and you will...
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多媒体本地扩声系统方案音视特Y-INST一拖二无线方管桌面话筒IN-A1312B-2学校体育馆声光电系统 手提式感应技术,话筒离开人手静止后5内秒自动静音(任意方向,任意角度放置均可)具有防抖静音,落地静音,空中静音三种功能,手持自带感应拨动开关方便实用,话筒静音5分钟后自动节能进入待机状态,15分钟后自动关机并且彻底切断电源...
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However, this link is likely a result of the dominant negative mood derived from the disorder, rather than a result of the disorder itself. Additionally, little is currently known about the influence of mood on the susceptibility to emotional events in healthy populations. Event-Related Potentials...
FSSB is conceptualized as a multidimensional superordinate construct with four subordinate dimensions: emotional support, instrumental support, role modeling behaviors, and creative work-family management. Results from multilevel confirmatory factor analyses and multilevel regression analyses provide evidence of ...
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