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AV terminal To VIDEO output terminal To AUDIO output terminals Bundled special AV cable Yellow Red White You can use the bundled special AV cable to connect to a pin jack (RCA) type VIDEO output terminal. When connecting a video camera or other video device with a special video output...
22. Jack: When it thunders (打雷), why do we see lightning (闪电) first, then hear thunder? Tom: Because our eyes are ___ ears. Ha-ha! Just a joke! A. before B. opposite C. between D. beside 23. —Dr. Know, I can’t keep my son away from the sc...
《马男波杰克》BoJack Horseman台词: I think if you met him, you'd actually really hit it off. 我觉得如果你现在要是见了他,你俩肯定谈得来。 语法点:对现在的虚拟,用过去式 if + 主语 + did…, 主语 + would/could/might do… - If I had a...
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【题目】My name is Jack. I come from the United States. Now I'm in China with my grandparents. There is a big zoo in our neighborhood. I like to spend time there on weekends. On weekends, I often go to the zoo with my friends. We like different kinds of animals. I like elephant...
摘要: Photographs of Canadian politicians Jack Layton, Stephen Harper, Michael Ignatieff and Gilles Duceppe drinking alcoholic beverages while on the campaign trail during the 2011 Canadian federal election campaign are presented.年份: 2011 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 ...