型号/规格: A103G A10-103JP 品牌/商标: FH(风华) 环保类别: 无铅环保型 简述Chip Fixed Resistor (注:以下片式固定电阻器皆叫做贴片电阻) 分类 贴片电阻分为以下几大类: 类型 参考国际的分类 常规系列厚膜贴片电阻 General purpose General purpose, 0201 - 0805 General purpose, 1206 - 2512 高高稳定性...
联系人:林小姐 电话:0755-83041767,82716726 手机:13570833454 E-mail:rxdz0754HK@126.com 腾讯QQ:133289964,506456591,1062431938 详细信息 【产品名称】 直插排阻A103G 直插排阻A10-103JP 排阻 0KR+-100PPM +-5% 【产品型号】 A10-103JP 【产品类别】 ...
HF-JP703(4)/903(4)大转速: 5000r/minHF-JP103B。 三菱HF-JP103B参数规格:伺服电机系列:中惯量,中功率。额定输出:1.0kw。额定转速:2000r/min。电磁制动器:无。轴端规格:标准(直轴)。电压:400V 1三菱HF-JP103B产品特点:伺服电机系列:低惯量,中/大功率。额定输出:5.0kw。额定转速:3000r/min。电磁制动...
The number of the farmers' markets has been increasing rapidly due to the growing demand for fresh and local foods. However, the number of foodborne illnesses linked to fresh produce has increased in the last decade. The main purpose of this research was to investigate consumers' awareness of ...