The mighty, iconic A-10 Warthog was first thrust into battle in Operation Desert Storm. The men who took it through walls of flak and surface-to-air missiles to help defeat the world's fourth-largest army were as untested as their airplanes, so they relied on personal determination and the...
The A-10 Thunderbolt II, affectionately nicknamed "The Warthog," was developed for the United States Air Force by the OEM Team from Fairchild Republic Company, now a part of Northrop Grumman Corporation Aeronautics Systems Eastern Region located in Bethpage NY and St. Augustine FL. Following in...
The A-10A Thunderbolt II, also known as the Warthog, is a 'flying gun'. The aircraft was used extensively during Operation Desert Storm, in support of NATO operations in response to the Kosovo crisis, in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and in Operation Iraqi Freedom. The A-10A is...