10,284K: audioserver (pid 309) 10,148K: media.swcodec (pid 373) 9,094K: com.google.android.configupdater (pid 14842) 8,910K: surfaceflinger (pid 214) 8,562K: com.google.process.gservices (pid 1277) 7,997K: android.process.media (pid 8217) ...
13,编译内核:下载源码https://github.com/amery/linux-allwinner/tree/lichee-3.0.8-sun4i。 参见前面写的文章“MOMO9三代:USB转串口,编译和安装指南”准备交叉编译工具和处理源码。 exportPATH=/media/scsi1/Tools/android-source/arm-gcc-2010.09/bin:$PATH makeARCH=armCROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabi-...
13,编译内核:下载源码https://github.com/amery/linux-allwinner/tree/lichee-3.0.8-sun4i。 参见前面写的文章“MOMO9 三代: USB转串口,编译和安装指南”准备交叉编译工具和处理源码。 export PATH=/media/scsi1/Tools/android-source/arm-gcc-2010.09/bin:$PATH make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-...
static binary for use on android and other OSes. To build this, get a toolchain, and run: make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- sunxi-meminfo sunxi-script_extractor: A simple tool, which can be executed on a rooted Android device to dump the script.bin blob from RAM via reading /dev...
随身出街 8 丹麦b&o 飞碟 mp3,搭配a8为目前世界上听感最好的mp3,多少年来无人超越,当年的天价神器。 回复 举报|来自Android客户端18楼2018-04-19 12:44 doufupi 巡回换听 6 继续继续 回复 举报|来自iPhone客户端19楼2018-04-20 12:34
4,解压win32diskimager-binary.zip,运行,将img映像写入SD卡(不要选错盘符,会清空的)。 5,写入完成后,弹出SD卡,插入A10平板中。如果A10平板已开机,就把它关机。 6,使用HDMI线缆连接显示器或电视机。 7,按住平板的电源开关按钮7秒钟以上,松开;再按住3秒以上,松开。ubuntu开始启动了。 8,在平板的USB口接上鼠标...
Windows 10 x64 bit PC with Internet Connection (may work on Win7/8). A USB Cable Scatter firmware: For SM-A107M Binary5: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=7161016148664790627 For SM-A107F Binary8: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fi...
Json x Enconding UTF-8 Keep getting errors when trying to run this powershell script to mass create Certificates Keep Getting: The term 'get-ADDomain' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Keeping only the last part of filanmes with Power...
Copy files from Android phone Copy files from one domain to another Copy files from one Server to Another Copy files modified in the last 5 min with Powershell Copy files that are listed in a text file... Simple right? Copy folder from FTP site to local machine Copy folder if not exist...