希洛(Hilo International Airport Car Rental ) 04:30 41.95km 必去 夏威夷火山国家公园 Hawaii Volcanoes National Park 8.9分 253人点评 夏威夷大岛榜第1位 mancyH : 嗯,虽然只玩了不到一天,但是挺震撼的啊。要怎么玩?别担心,一进公园就有visitor center,里边根据时间会建议不同的行程,都很棒。想看la...
When we finally landed in Honolulu, it was already getting dark outside. The airport was pretty crowded, but we easily found our rental car and drove to our hotel. We're staying right on the beach at the Hilton Hawaiian Village in Waikiki. Our room has an incredible view of the ocean!
car rental n. 租车 [glossary] [扩展] van n. 厢式车; 商旅车 compact [ ] adj. / n. 小型轿车 mid-sized adj.中型汽车 full-sized adj.大型轿车(六人坐) sedan [ ] 四门轿车 convertible [ ] 敞蓬车 drop-off charge n. 甲地租车,乙地还车所收取的费用 Value Added Tax (VAT) n. 增值税 (...